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BeitragVerfasst am: So Mai 07, 2006 09:34:37    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat
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I must say, Robert, I used your photo as a template, but it seems to not go with the Alan C. and Juergen supplied data. They do not use the two original shorter brackets - are you missing those from your bike now?

I'll give it a go, but my main concern is that the upper bolt holding the left shock may not be long enough (eliminate washer with some blue threadlock?).

ich verstehe die Frage von Ference nicht. Kann mir da jemand weiterhefen?

Ciao, Jürgen
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Anmeldedatum: 30.04.2005
Beiträge: 431
Wohnort: Bavaria

BeitragVerfasst am: So Mai 07, 2006 10:16:27    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat
ferenc hat Folgendes geschrieben:
I've put up a snapshot of the bike (still need to find replacement for my minirack/sissybar) on:

I must say, Robert, I used your photo as a template, but it seems to not go with the Alan C. and Juergen supplied data. They do not use the two original shorter brackets - are you missing those from your bike now?

I'll give it a go, but my main concern is that the upper bolt holding the left shock may not be long enough (eliminate washer with some blue threadlock?).

thanks again all, and i'm looking forward to my first big trip to idaho, washington, and oregon.


@ ferenc:

Hey, looks perfect on your bike now!

I ve never really needed the short brackets though they've been installed on my bike. never used them for bags or so. Hence I gave it as an add-on to you - maybe you can use them for your trip.

I would eliminate the washer and replace it with a self locking nut or (as you proposed) some thread lock / loctite etc.

Enjoy your trip! How many km/miles will that be?

@ Jürgen: Ferenc meint damit, daß diese kurzen seitlichen Rahmenträger (die ich ihm dazugeschenkt habe) auf den Fotos von euch nicht drauf waren. Die obere Schraube am Federbein ist aufgrund der zusätzlichen kurzen Halterungen, die dort nun befestigt werden müssen, nicht mehr lang genug. Er meint, ob die Beilagscheibe (washer) durch Loctite o.ä. ersetzt werden könnte. Ich denke mal ja.

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